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  • A paper related to our technology “EPIS” has been published


A paper related to our technology “EPIS” has been published


A paper related to our technology “EPIS” has been published (2023/10/1).
EPIS (Electrical Picture Inspection System) is an array of highly sensitive, minute proximity capacitive sensors.
It is possible to acquire signals via capacitive coupling with the measurement target and display the distribution of voltage (electric field) and permittivity as a two-dimensional image. "Electrical images" can be output.
EPIS has received high praise, including winning the 2022 Niwa Takayanagi Award (Best Paper Award) from the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers.
OHT continues to advance its development, and the publication of this paper represents the results of our efforts.

URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/mta/11/4/11_158/_article/-char/en